Leverage Your Edge
Our Mission
We believe that everyone has their own way of looking at the world. This gives them their own unique strengths or “edge”. We aim to help you to make the most of your edge.
Our edge is that we love to build. This makes us good at creating technology relating to Programming, Finance and Statistics, and helping and training people in those areas. This is the reason we call ourselves “The Institute of Quantitative Technology”. We aim to help you to leverage your edge by providing products such as software programs and libraries, and services such as training courses and consulting.
General feedback from our clients
Rodney Ngone
​Chief Investment Officer, Sagat Capital Limited
Nikhil provided excellent customised training in Mathematics and [Matlab] Programming from basic to advanced levels that truly exceeded my expectations. He has given me a clear and logical framework and is also assisting with some of my firm's Algorithmic Research.
Dr Nikhil Shenai has delivered onsite training in Python for WiredScore for 2 years running, taking 6 delegates from novice to intermediate level. He created and delivered an excellent course based on my requirements, providing a custom course book as well as hands-on examples, exercises and solutions. The delegates, who range from the Head of Global Expansion to the Director of Operations, can now apply Python to speed up their work and analysis.
Professor Paolo Zaffaroni
Chair of Finance and Professor of Financial Econometrics, Imperial College Business School
Nikhil completed his PhD in Financial Econometrics and a three month post-doctoral assignment after the PhD in exceptional fashion, demonstrating a strong commitment to quality and detail in his work, ambitious uptake of cutting-edge techniques, and fast and innovative methods of tackling problems, particularly with regards to software development.